I was reflecting some days ago about how I used to be a reader. I thought about the books I have read, the lessons, and how those lessons shaped my thinking and approach to life.
I thought about why I stopped, and for a second, I concluded I did not just have the time. In retrospect, I realized I had the time but needed to ‘create’ a schedule for it (after all, we make out time for what we consider necessary). 

Try to develop a schedule that works perfectly for you, even if it means reading and finishing one book in a month, two, or even three months. I did the following, and it worked great for me: 

  1. I carved out one hour of ‘me time’ to pick up from where I left off and jot what resonates most with me from the book. 
  2. I downloaded audible, which is very handy when I am not having a me-time (my daughter eats my books, lol, so a digital copy is always a go-to when she’s up). 
  3. I joined a small-knitted book club for accountability purposes.
  4. I picked one book per time to avoid unfinished reading.

When we pretend that we can avoid vulnerability we engage in behaviors that are often inconsistent with who we want to be

Brené Brown

I believe that personal growth springs from making a conscious decision to be better than who you used to be and then making an effort to ‘actually’ be that person. Insightful, relatable books rich in knowledge, facts, and compelling stories are great personal development resources. I understand how hard it is to make time to read amidst trying to balance other areas of your life, but there are ways around actually making out the time.

I decided to buy books that can positively impact my career, creative thought process, relationship with God, mental and physical health. I thought to share six books that I have finished reading with you. 

I listed the books in order of how thought-provoking and transformative I found them; This is not to say the last one listed is less significant, but when I read them, some cut deep than the other.

  1. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
  2. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
  3. Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer
  4. The Art of Prayer by Kenneth E. Hagin
  5. The One Thing by Gary Keller

Please share some of the books you have read that have transformed your life so other readers and I can read as well.

We simply don't have the luxury of playing nice with prayers. Not if we want things to change. Not if we want to be free from whatever's keeping us held down and held back.

Priscilla Shirer

You weren't put on earth to be remembered. You were put here to prepare for eternity.

Rick Warren