Growth, Happiness & Contentment
For some days now, I have become more self-aware of who I am, where I am, where I want to be, what I am currently doing that I need to do better. More than ever, the need to be true to ‘me’ is now so important. I needed to take more practical steps towards living fully without holding myself back or waiting to be applauded before getting anything done. I thought fear was the major hold, but then again, fear becomes a hold only when we give it the power!
I had a re-awakening of what I consider essential to living fully. Choosing people’s expectations of me over my own expectations had put me under pressure; unhealthy one at that. The need to fit in and to measure up was a whole lot to take in without permitting myself to say no when and where necessary.
I thought about how we are constantly told what to do and how to do it through the information we expose ourselves to online and offline. We often forget that the ‘what’ and “how” should be about who we are, what we want, and how we want it. A typical example of this is how we measure success and define fulfillment. We tend to measure how successful we are based on someone else’s level of achievement; we ignore the crucial part: ‘ success is personal .’ We forget about ourselves so much that we are unaware of self-neglect.
Defining what success means to me has helped to restrategize my goals, boundaries, standards, and ultimately, God’s expectations of me. And let me tell you, It has been exciting! I can now freely do things without waiting for another person to give a thumbs up, nor do I shrink or shut myself down because I feel I am not doing enough per time.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Insightful write up Yinka. Many are on this path and I am glad to read about your progress.
Keynote: ‘Success should be personal’!
You write so beautifully Olayinka. Self discovery and contentment are vital in life.There is no yardstick for measuring success,It varies for each person . Progress is essential but contentment brings fulfillment.
Another great read!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Adebusola Maja
Wow!! This is a good piece that deeply interprets self discovery…To top it all, It’s God’s expectation over everything!!!!! well done Olayinka
This write up is screaming my past me few weeks ago. I am so glad for this new phase I am experiencing ever since I said no to fear and people’s perception about me. Thank you so much ❤️
Tolu Adedugbe
I can relate to this. Thanks for sharing, Yinka.
I find that the less importance I place on what others think, the more in control I feel. Honestly, everyone will be alright Las Las. We owe everyone only one thing, love. And love as we love ourselves first!
Key words for me are…Self-awareness, managing expectations, measure your success with achievable goals.
Well done Olayinka
Leillee Bitiyong
Nicely said! This reminds of what Adele just said about doing tours. We are not ok and it is ok to not be ok now. You cannot pour from an empty cup. When you are ok, everyone around you will be ok and as Tolu said las las they will find a way to be. Do you boo boo
Honest conversations! Thanks a lot for sharing. Looking forward to the next read
Defining success to yourself is key